Archive for February, 2013

I was reading a write up on Facebook back in December and was blown away by what I was reading.  It was a story about a young lady that was deaf and mute.  She was riding a horse in a competition without a saddle or bridle.  The story said that she had a special connection with horses because of her disabilities.  I went on to read that she was training this particular horse for only 21 days before this competition and that made the story even more amazing.  I watched the attached video and was blown away.  The next morning I got my kids up and had them gather around my computer and watch this amazing overcomer.

I later got on youtube and wanted to see if there were anymore videos about this lady.  To my surprise there was a video of this lady on a TV talk show and she was not deaf or mute.  She said in the interview that she had at least 800+ hrs on that horse training it to ride like that without a bridle.  I was blown away.  Everything that I thought was true just got spun on me.

I wonder how many times this happens now166910_335954766449331_1894289406_n days?  I know Facebook is well known for untrue stories to be posted.  It’s almost like people dont have to source their info anymore. Many people will put stuff out online and there is very little to no truth to it at all.  Its very sad because most people will believe it if they read it online wether it is true or not.

Click here to see the video. This link is to her blog and tells her response to the false claims.  Very interesting.  Hope this makes you think about the info you read online next time before you believe it first.


Dont fall into the trap of believing untruth.


Steve Morgan

My mentor, Bill Lewis, wrote an amazing article recently and I wanted to share it with all of you.  He is a very smart guy that thinks through things at an interesting depth.  I have learned so much from him and the info in the LIFE company.  I hope it help you as much as it did me.

Here is the article. click here for the whole article.


Are You a COI or a COA Person?

I just found some material that ties into a previous post that I did on layers.  Are you a center of influence person, or are you a center of attention person? Don’t answer too quickly; wait until I explain and then think through your answer. In the previous post on layers, I spoke about people’s fears and how they start to build up protective layers because of those fears. Then they build up layers on top of those layers to keep anyone from even getting close to those fears. These layers determine the way people respond and act under different circumstances. This new information provides a great example of how to identify if you have built up layers and maybe don’t know it. It also helps show you how you will think when you minimize the number of fears you have, which in turn, will eliminate layers.

A center of influence person is aware that every thought, emotion, word, and behavior he expresses has an effect. If you are a center of influence person, you understand that you set the tone for your relationships. You take responsibility for how you interact with others and how they treat you. You cannot control what other people think or how they behave,  yet your beliefs and behavior serve to teach others how they should treat you. If you are in a difficult situation with someone, you ask yourself, “What effect did my communication have on that person and that situation?” As a center of influence person, you see others in terms of their needs, not yours. And you acknowledge the way you feel and recognize that you are the cause.


I hope you enjoyed this article. I thought it was very thought provoking. 


Thanks for reading,


Steve Morgan